
Best sellers list #1

I would like to start a tradition here at BlogTechTips and that is to compile a best sellers list of items that  are in high demand, have great prices and that are selling allot for a given period on Amazon, you will not have to worry as we will update you our readers every month […]

Best sellers list

Amazon’s Kindle unlimited service

It’s official Amazon as started its Kindle unlimited service which allows those who are avid readers and lovers of the Kindle service to have access to the  nearly unlimited resources of the Kindle Library. So that’s access to more than 600,000 books and audio books for a mere $9.99 a month subscription fee. So you […]

Kindle unlimited

best selling products

Best selling Products Ever

I was really curious as to what were the:best selling products that were out there and I decided to do some research, My search eventually led me to the doors of the great and seeing they were the king of E-commerce I started to break down what were the best selling Amazon products based […]

The best Amazon add-on items 2

If by now you do not know about Amazon add-on items and how they can earn you free super saver shipping with Amazon then you have been missing out on one of the biggest money savers that Amazon has to offer all this time without even knowing it. What are Amazon Add-on items exactly?   […]