
blu dash 5.0+

Blu Dash 5.0+ Review 2

It seems that every where I go now a days I see a BLU branded smart phone and with Good reason, as the brand is earning a reputation for creating cheap Android phones that are very reliable and the Blu Dash 5.0+ is a premium BLU smartphone that worth having or at least giving it […]

Lepa Maxbron 1000w Review

I recently had the pleasure of purchasing and using the Lepa Maxbron 1000w Power supply because my Gaming Rig power supply of two (2) years plus simply died after being powered up, I simply heard a loud pop and that’s was the end of it, I instantly knew my old power supply was dead. I […]

lepa maxbron 1000w

irobot roomba 880

iRobot Roomba 880 Review

iRobot Roomba 880 Vacuum Cleaning Robot when compared to other devices of the same type there is no comparison as it literally leaves the completion in the dust so to speak and much resembles something out of The Jectsons. The  uses sensors and artificial intelligence to find dust and dirt and easily cleaning it up […]