How to

Fix Samsung Galaxy WiFi Keeps Turning On and Off Automatically 2

Today’s issue involves any Samsung Galaxy device where the Samsung Galaxy WiFi Keeps Turning On and Off Automatically without you doing anything. It’s quite a strange problem and it affects your device in that you cannot actually get anything done especially connecting to the Internet by WiFi seeing the WiFi setting keeps automatically being turned […]

Samsung Galaxy WiFi Keeps Turning On and Off Automatically

YouTube Videos Recorded with Smartphone have audio only Coming from Left headphone and Low Volume

So I had this issue for a while and could not figure it out why my YouTube Videos Recorded with Smartphone had audio only Coming from Left headphone and had low volume.The issue is now fixed but I thought while I recorded that fix here. Why not do a more detailed article for those that […]

YouTube Videos Recorded with Smartphone have audio only Coming from Left headphone

Fix Callers cannot hear you,Low loud speaker,Video recordings Playing from Left side of Headphones & low volume on YouTube

So guys today I am really excited about this fix because it was plaguing me for a very long time. It’s finally fixed 100% and I would like to share how I did it in this article. First let me explain what happened for reference then explain the fix. I have a Samsung Galaxy (Applies […]

Phone Callers cannot hear me

Use XBox Controller on Galaxy S8

Use XBox Controller on Galaxy S8 to Play Games (or other controller) 1

So if you did not know the OTG connector that came inside the Galaxy S8 box can be used for various functions other than transferring data from your old phone. You can actually Use XBox Controller on Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus to Play Games. It should also work on other controllers too. This opens […]

Not receiving Notifications on time or delayed notifications from Apps Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus Fix.

Today I would like to look at the problem of delayed notifications from Apps Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus devices or the issue where you are Not reviving Notifications on time on these devices. I first encountered this problem on my Galaxy S8, at first notifications where fine but after doing a reset I found […]

delayed notifications from Apps Galaxy S8 or S8 Plus