Allow Apps to Track Greyed out

So if you heard about the new tracking feature in your iPhone but when you go to activate and use it you find that the Allow Apps to Track Greyed out. This can be really confusing as there is usually no indication why this is so.

I will show you right now how you can fix this problem. After all if you cant select the feature and its greyed out you will definitely need to know whats going on and what you can do to deal with it.

Devices this will Apply to:

This will apply to any iPhone such as the iPhone 11, iPhone 12 and any other Apple device with a similar problem.

Video Tutorial:

Watch my video guide and see how to deal with this particular issue for yourself.

Click Play

How to Fix this Problem?

Here is what you do to fix this problem as best as possible. The setting is found in settings, Privacy and then Tracking.

1.If your Apple ID is new and is only a few days old you need to let it age a few days before the feature starts working.

2.If your Apple ID is associated or was created by a educational institution then that may be the problem.This can be based on their policies.

3.If your Apple ID age has you at 18 years old or younger this may pose a problem.

4.Go to settings, Privacy, Apple Advertising and make sure to turn on Personal Ads if its off. You will be able to turn the feature on now.

5.Seeing this is a bug, it should be fixed at the next major or significant update of your iPhone. So go ahead and make sure your device is up to date. Once the correct update is out the issue should be fixed and if all of the above is ok you should be able to turn the feature on.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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