How to Delete a AR Emoji Samsung Galaxy 6

Samsung AR Emoji is a really great feature and you can create cool animated versions of yourself in the AR Zone.

With that being said you may have created a AR Emoji and in trying to get the design just perfect you may have messed up your first version. You may also have now sever AR Emoji’s and you want do delete the extras and keep one.

After all one is all you need after you get it just right. I will show you how to delete a AR Emoji.

My Video Tutorial:

Watch my video tutorial that will walk you through all you should do in order delete a Ar Emoji.

Click Play

Delete your AR Emoji:

To delete your AR Emoji or Delete your extra AR Emoji do the following

1.Find and launch the AR Zone App. Or go to your Camera and click on the more tab all the way to the right bottom of the screen. Next select AR Zone.

2.Select AR Emoji Camera.

3.Click the gear icon upper select of the screen.

4.Now select: Manage emojis.

5.Select the AR Emoji you want to delete by clicking the circle to check it off. Next select Delete at the bottom of the screen to delete it.

That’s how a AR Emoji is deleted and you can manage your Emojis much better now. To find the delete option is not so obvious when you want to delete one of your Emojis right away.

Before you go

Please let me know if this was useful in anyway and if it was I would really appreciate your feedback. Thanks guys as always appreciated.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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6 thoughts on “How to Delete a AR Emoji Samsung Galaxy

  • John Newell

    I followed the steps you have listed, but was unable to delete the emojis. I’m working on a Samsung Galaxy S9 with no hacks or mods to the OS. When I follow your steps and click on Manage Emojis, my emojis are not listed (but can still be pulled up). I have literally done everything short of doing a factory reset on the phone (cleared cache and data of camera, deleted added keyboards, etc). Do you know where these files are saved, or is there another way to attack this. I’m beginning to suspect this feature is a virus. Thanks

    • Ricardo Gardener Post author

      I am sorry to hear you cant delete yours, I am on the latest version of Android for the S10 and just got the updated Ar Emoji’s that different from the set I had before as they did not even load the old set. Seems yours is different in some way or maybe a bug or something is happening especially if you did exactly as I did in the video guide.

  • siouxsaysJennifer

    Hi. I have a Samsung Galaxy A52 and your instructions to delete an emoji from the AR Zone worked perfectly. No fuss, no muss. Thank you for the information.