How to tell if your iPhone has been hacked?

Everyone is on there phones consonantly as its a essential part of daily life. As such the threat of attack on these devices is real and imminent.

So with the popularity of the iPhone makes it a prime target for hacks. But How to tell if your iPhone has been hacked? well there are always signs if you know where to look.

This guide will show you one sign that easy to check for and can clearly tell if your iPhone was accessed. I will also run you through what to do to regain control.

How to Check if your iPhone has been hacked?

So the steps are simple

1.Go ahead and go to settings.

2.At the top of the settings menu go ahead and click your picture or Name.

3.Scroll all the way down and you should notice your device or devices that has access to your account.

Notice any phone or devices that is not yours? If yes you my friend have been hacked. If No and all devices are yours then you are good.

Video Guide/Demonstration:

This video guide walks you through the process and gives tips as what to do. You can also follow me on my YouTube channel.

Click Play

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What to do if your iPhone has been Hacked?

If your iPhone has been hacked you will need to.

1.In the same settings screen as above select: Password & Security.

2.Now go ahead and change your password, be sure to make it secure by using a combination of letters, numbers, special characters, Capitalization and make it a long password.

3.Enable Two-Factor Authentication, once enabled it will add a extra layer of security of your account in case anyone tries to access it.

4.If you used the same password on any other account that you have change it now.

How did this Happen?

Well there are many ways this could have happened to. Someone might have gotten your password from another account you use online which was compromised and decided to try it against many accounts.

You may have been tricked into giving it up through a email saying your account or Apple ID would be disabled if you did not take action you clicked on a link and entered your password thinking it was from Apple when it was not.

It goes without saying that one of these may scenarios or more played out and this happened to you.

From now on be extra vigilant as you use your devices and online in general.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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