How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently

This is How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently. In other words I will be showing you how to delete your Instagram account forever.

Bear in mine that once this process is done you will not be able to get back your account as it will be 100% deleted.

With that being said the whole process is recorded below.

Why Delete your Instagram Account?

In the case you no longer need your account or maybe there is a really pressing issue where you want your Instagram gone especially from the internet then you can decide to delete it.

We all have been there in such cases that we are at a new chapter in our lives and you probably crated that count as a misguided young adult.

But whatever the reason you can now delete your Instagram fully.

What deice does this work for?

This guide works for both Android and Apple devices. So you can use this on Instagram on a iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy and other devices as well.

Video Guide:

Watch the video guide and see what to do as it relates to this tutorial.

Click Play

How to Delete Instagram?

In order to delete your Instagram forever

1.Launch Instagram and go top your Profile.

2.Select the three lines upper right and Go to settings.

3.Under settings go to Help.

4.Next select help center and then Manage your account.

5.Select Delete your account and select the option: How do I delete my Instagram Account?

When the list expands with the info section select: Delete your account under which is towards the end of the screen under number 1.

6.On the Delete your account page choose a reason under : Why are you deleting your account? and hit done,more options will appear after selecting a reason.

7.Enter your password and select the button in red that says: Permanently delete my account.

That’s it you are now good to go my friend. Please take some time and share this guide, comment below if you have questions and if you have some time go over to the blog page and check out some more tips.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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