So if your Smartphone is not going into Android recovery and simply rebooting when you do the button combinations then this article is for you. At the end of the post your phone should be booting into Android recovery again.
The Problem
This problem mainly occurs with older devices such as the Galaxy S5 and more. The phone in these cases will refuse to boot into Android Recovery when you hold down Power button, Volume Up and Home button.
Also you may find in these cases that the battery will not charge properly.
Solution to the Problem
In these cases the issue is with the battery and you will need to replace the battery with a new one. Once you do that you will find that the Android will once again boot into Android recovery as normal.

Where to Get a battery?
You can purchase a battery at the link below.
Alternative Solution
The issue could also be that you have a stuck button or a damaged button. In such a case if the Volume up, Power or Home button is damaged you will need to clean them.
You should be able to do so with some Alcohol and cotton swabs and get between the button and nudge them to get unstuck. If they are damaged they will have to be replaced.
Before you Go
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