Today’s review will be of the KESU Portable External Hard Drive.So if you are in the market for this or a matching device the following review should help you in making up your mind as it relates to weather or not this is a good device or not.
KESU Portable External Hard
You can get this hard drive in 120 GB all the way up to 1 Terabyte, the version I have here is the 320 GB version. I chose to go with the Blue version but you can get this in red and black as well.

The price is also good compared to other External Hard drives on the market when you look at the price for the entry models.
I love that it comes with USB 3.0 support out the box and is still compatible with USB 2.0 allowing for very fast data transfer speeds. This makes it great for storage of large files or stuff like pictures, Videos and other important everyday personal media.
Product Unboxing
Check out our video unboxing that shows the contents of this product and what it looks like.
How dependable is this Product?
Every bodies experience with this product will be hit or miss. For most users it a great affordable or cheap Portable Hard drive from a generic company that’s name is not overly popular.
On the other hand considering the price it may be worth the gamble for you. So I would say approach this product with caution and weigh the pros and cons before purchasing.
Where to buy?
You can purchase yours below or read more about the product.
Why you should purchase this device?
1.Great price.
2. Great solid housing or case.
3.Lots of storage sizes.
Why skip this?
1.Its hit or miss with getting a good device.