Could Not Sign In An Apple ID Verification Code is Required Fix

So for today’s article we will be looking at how to fix the problem where you are getting the error: Could Not Sign In An Apple ID Verification Code is Required.This error in most cases will happen on older iPhone devices and the password and user name you are using is correct but the iTunes or App store account you are using has  two-step verification or authentication enabled.

The code which should be added to the end of the password will be sent to your phone number or on your main trusted device which is often another device.

Why is Apple doing this?

The feature is meant for your own security and will prevent your account from being compromised as even if someone somehow gets your password they will have to also get your verification code from your main trusted device as well which is unlikely.

Could Not Sign In An Apple ID Verification Code is Required

The Error:

The error reads: Could not sign in : An Apple ID Verification code is required to sign in. Type your password followed by the verification code shown on your other device.

What devices does this affect?

The error may occur on any Apple device especially older devices such as the iPhone 4 and more. So if you are getting the error do try the steps shown here on how to fix the error.

Could Not Sign In An Apple ID Verification Code is Required Fix

1.Go ahead and check your trusted device or main phone and you should see an Apple ID sign in request and the location. Go ahead and allow.

2.On the device you are trying to sign into go ahead and add the verification code to the end of the password(You should have your normal user and password already typed in).

3.Give the phone time to check the user and Password+Verification code. It should be accepted and you are signed it.

In case the verification code is not accepted

To retrieve a fresh verification code in case the one you have is not being accepted go ahead and either trying signing into your iCloud account online or on your device to retrieve the code.

1.On your trusted device go to settings, Password and security.

2.Now click on Get verification Code.

3.When the verification code is shown go ahead and try enter User name and password on the device and enter password + the verification code shown and you should sign in no problem.

What if I need a New Verification Code Again?

To get a new verification code is once more is easy simply exit the menu or Page and go back to the setting as shown above and the code will be changed once you click on Get verification code.

Final Pointers

That’s it for Could Not Sign In An Apple ID Verification Code is Required fix, please take the time to leave a comment below and do share your thoughts on the error and how to fix it. Please check out our other content and share on social media as well.



About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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