How to get the poll feature on Instagram Fix 3

If you have Instagram and you want to get feedback from your audience by running a Poll you can now do so easily with Instagram Polls. But unfortunately not all users have the feature and my aim today is to show you How to get the poll feature on Instagram.The feature is available for Android and iOS users. This should also work easily if you are on iOS.

How to Add Instagram Polls to your Stories?

If you did not know Polls are usually used in Instagram stories, to use the feature of see if you have it simply.

1.Launch Instagram and then select the Camera.

2.Take a picture and before posting swipe up to see the selection of stickers.

3.If you do not see poll try swiping over right and see if it shows up. After finding it select the option and you should get a yes or No poll and all you have to do is add your text and design as you like.

4.When finished go ahead and publish to allow the Poll t go live on Instagram Stories.

If you can’t find the Poll feature then try the fix below.

How to get the poll feature on Instagram Fix

How to get the poll feature on Instagram Fix

If the Poll does not show up for your stories then

1.Close the Instagram app.

2.Disable WiFi and also disable Mobile data so you are totally offline.

3.Close Instagram running in the background and launch again.You should be offline while doing this and while the app is launched take a picture and swipe up to load stickers.

4.You should see Polls and go ahead and select it,be sure to use the feature by making a poll and add it to your stories( while offline). It should work and you can test it out.

5.Turn your Internet on and the feature should be there, you can also check your recent to see that its there as a sticker you used recently.

Video Tutorial:

Watch the video tutorial to see what to do or continue reading.


If the above fails then Uninstall the app and reboot, when finished re-install the application.Log back into your Instagram account and repeat the steps above by disabling all Internet and launching while offline and take a picture and see if the feature pops up and simply create a story with a Poll while offline and then reconnect to the internet to have the feature permanently.

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Final Thoughts

So that’s it for How to get the poll feature on Instagram Fix. It common for new features on Instagram to be available for some users while being missing for others as with Polls and other features in the past. Please share this post and do comment below as well as check out even more of our articles here on the website.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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