Action Blocked Instagram Fix 8

So today we will be looking at a message or error that some users may get in Instagram that says: Action Blocked and what you can do to actually deal with it should you encounter this particular error which usually preceding an action On Instagram. You may after this be unable to like, comment and so on which is messing with your user experience with the app.

The Message

The message usually varies over the years and has been modified a bit and at one point would contain how long the block would last but it now reads like this or close to this:
Action Blocked This action was blocked. Please try again later. We restrict certain actions to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.

Action Blocked Instagram Fix

Why am I getting this message?

Some users may abuse the Instagram system by trying to grow their followers fast by following and unfollowing a bunch of users, liking or commenting excessively. Now in order to protect their app Instagram strives to maintain things by finding which accounts are involved in Spammy behaviors and then block them.

If you are seeing the Action Blocked it means that you have been blocked or soft banned and as your punishment you lost the privilege of liking,commenting and so on and  thus the message. Its Instagrams ways of saying stop that.

Action Blocked Instagram Fix

So in order to fix the Action Blocked message and return to normal functionality you will need to:

1.Never perform any spammy actions such as liking, comment or following in mass. Writing the exact cut and paste comment or message in comments or direct messages.

2. Wait anywhere from 1 hour to a week for the soft ban to be lifted. Instagram in the past would naturally place how long the ban would last but removed that notification later on as most likely if you knew how long you would be blocked some users would still continue abusing the system. All you can do is wait.

3. The system is automated but you can contact Instagram and have a human review your case if you think you were blocked in error which should speed up the process of lifting the ban if you truly did nothing wrong.

4. Use the report or contact button on the message to indicate you were blocked in error if you truly were.Make sure to explain your situation and keep your message on point.

But I did not do anything!

Sadly as I indicated above most likely the flagging system is automated and either you did something unknowingly or performed an action that triggered the system to flag you such as being overly active on a particular day on Instagram and so on. In that case simply wait or contact the Instagram team to look into it for you but one way or the other you will have to wait.

Final Thoughts

Please guys if you found this useful or informative then please share. If you have a question then please ask it below in the comments an I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. Also do check out even more of our articles.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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8 thoughts on “Action Blocked Instagram Fix

  • Mubeen.vengara

    Plees help my instagram account action block
    Unfollow button click unfollow massege .you re temprorly blocked
    Report feedback not sending

  • Peter Francis

    Ricardo, you clearly have never been blocked or are even aware of how frustrating it is. As far as point (3) & (4)…non existent! When you report something like being blocked from following or commenting, it’s basically turned into feedback. NOONE will get back to you as they deem it not very important. When your actions are blocked, there is no rhyme nor reason given to why you have been blocked. No feedback as to ANY inkling why they have done it so how can you possibly narrow it down to a specific thing that you did so you can resolve it. Just another case that the bigger the company, the less you matter. Such a frustrating company to deal with

  • Asa Dalton

    Thank you so much for this article, but the thing is, I am action blocked, but Instagram tells me when it will unblock me, which is today, but I am still blocked, do you have any idea why? Thanks in advance!