If you are like me and other Bloggers you may every now and again use Gravatar. As such you may have started with a profile Image which shows up on your blog or website and after some time you may decide to change your Image. Easier said than done as in most cases when you decide to change your Gravatar Image you may realize that: My New Gravatar Image is not updating as it should. In today’s article I will look at how to fix this.
This was happening to be recently and I found that I was only able to fix the issue after trying a few things which I am sure will help you out as well.
The Issue:
Your Gravatar Image is not updating or changing for some reason as mentioned above. The issues I have found is that the older Image would remain and the newer image would not show up at all. In some cases the older Image would show and the newer Image would show on hovering over the main image as a hovercard if you have that feature turned on. The smaller Image in the WordPress dashboard and other insignificant places may change but not the main one users see on page.
How to fix My New Gravatar Image is not updating?
1.After logging into the main Gravatar website and going to: My Gravatar and selecting the new Image, make sure it has a “G” Rating. also make sure it’s actually G rated without any lewd or violent Imagery or so on. It should take a few minutes for the new Image to populate so be patent.
2. If the new Image has not shown up on your website after a few minutes be sure to Logout of the Gravatar website for changes to Kick in sometimes things will not change until you logout or your session has expired. This is the one that works for most people here.
3.If it still has not changed then clear the cache of your WordPress blog by deleting cache of the plugin that controls your cache. Also close and relaunch your browser or clear the cache of the browser if you can. Note after clearing cache of your browser you will have to log back into your various online accounts.
4. Go to setting discussion in WordPress and scroll down under Avatar settings and make sure you have show Avatar checked. Also check Maximum rating to “G”.
5.If all the above still fails I suggest you log back in to Gravatar and change your picture to the old profile Image wait a while and then back to the new Image. Log out of Gravatar and wait and see if that does the trick. If this fails too try deleting the Old Image and leaving only the new one freshly set as main profile Image.
6. If no matter what you do it will not change especially on your WordPress website then keep the new Image set in Gravatar and wait anywhere between 24 hours to 2 weeks or so. It seems if you had the same Gravatar for sometimes it takes a while for the Gravatar website to update their cache so it’s a waiting Game.
It seems that Gravatar may sometimes have cache issues especially if you have not changed your Gravatar in some time. It only takes a few tricks though to actually force or push the changes so that your Image can actually show as it should. The main thing seems to be after making the changes to log out of the Gravatar website and providing that everything else is fine on your end it should show up quickly. In some other cases it might just be a waiting game and you need to give it some time.
I hope the above was helpful if it was please leave a comment below sharing your situation and what step was able to help you out. Please also share this article online with a friend or two as it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much it worked well