How to delete a folder created on the Android Apps page? 3

If you are finding yourself getting frustrated because you have a Samsung Galaxy Note or a regular Samsung Galaxy and you are trying to delete a folder created on the Android Apps page and you cannot seem to delete it, don’t beat yourself up too much as it’s a bit tricky to delete folders that are placed here and the solution might not be too obvious when you first encounter the issue.

On what device this issue might occur?

This issue has been encountered on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and it can even happen on the Galaxy S5, although its encountered mostly on the Note 3 when a new user gets there carrier branded devices for the first time and find the folders annoying. So as far as I can see this can happen on any Samsung Galaxy based device.

delete a folder created on the Android Apps page

How to delete a folder created on the Android Apps page?

Samsung Galaxy Note 3

1. First from the main home screen go to the Apps page or all Apps page.

2. Click the menu button and make sure the View or view as is set to:Custom

3. Now go directly to the folder you want to delete and long press it and when the remove icon appears at the top of the screen draw the folder towards the icon.Alternatively you can hit edit and select the folder and drag it to delete.

If there are icons in this folder they will be returned to the Apps page. If you want you can create new folders using the menu options and arrange icons on the Apps page or home screen if you want to.

Samsung Galaxy S5

delete a folder created on the Android Apps page

For the Galaxy S5 its a bit different:

1.Use menu options and make sure that the View or view as is set to custom.

2.Now hit the menu button (top right of the screen) while on the Apps page.

3. There should be an option that says remove folder, select it and check the box beside the folder and select done.

5. A notification will appear on-screen that any Apps within the folder will not be uninstalled, simply click remove and wallah the folder will be deleted.

Now that’s the most annoying thing I am sure you will agree that you ever had to do on Android that’s way more complicated than it really needed to be.  Please comment or subscribe if you found this tip to be helpful and please do check out our other great articles for even more tips and tricks for your devices.


About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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