Amazon Associates Current Tax status: Incomplete Help 7

If you have logged into Amazon Associates central control panel to check on your earnings and sales for the day and you see a new notification that is highlighted in yellow with a triangle with an exclamation I would understand the uneasy feeling you might get as you wonder what could this be so suddenly to ruin your perfect day. I too woke up to this new change and I must say that I was thrown off my game and it caused me to worry the entire day despite my best efforts after all Amazon affiliate program is a major part of many websites main income stream.

The Exact message reads like this:

Before we can pay you, we must have your Tax information. Note that only the primary account holder can enter this information. Please ignore Tax information if already submitted.

Amazon Associates Current Tax status: Incomplete Fix

And also there is a new setting in Account settings that says:

Change your Tax status: incomplete

Amazon Associates Current Tax status: Incomplete Fix

For American associates it may be normal to fill out these forms but for international associates you might be thinking that you do not have the required information or it might be a hassle to actually fill out this tax form and send documents in. Well relax as I can show you how to fix the issue and get your Tax information filled out as an international associate all without sending in a single document within about five minutes and your payments will come again from Amazon.

If a few month back you sent them information by email that was required that you answer about two questions by email pertaining to tax information by filling out a form within the email and placing a X beside the correct information and you did, well this is different.

Why the sudden Change by Amazon and the Need for Tax information?


In contacting Amazon I was told by an internal party that the change is brought on by an update in US Tax law,and all associates are required to complete the form whether local or international. On further talks with another representative I was told it also seems that due to US tax season coming (November is when it appeared for me)  and if you have done over $600 in transactions you are required to send out a 1099 and so they need your most up to date information. The first explanation made more sense to me.

Amazon Associates Current Tax status: Incomplete Help

Well whatever the reason you will need to complete the form or you will never get paid again so for click on the: Tax information link in the notification within associates central or go to account settings and click on change your tax information.

From here you will be taken to a form: Simply fill out the form and put in all your information, American based affiliates or associates should be familiar with such forms and have the requisite information. But for international associates that I will be focusing on helping might be confused and worried as they have no TIN or Tax identification Number and such, so read on and do not worry.The first question will ask you who is the entity or beneficiary or something like that, this is a critical step and the most important choice on the form seeing it’s the first question and the choice changes the layout of the document,be sure to select: Individual, if you select any other option its incorrect for you-I did not even see this option at first, its the first one at the very top.

From here you will be asked a series of questions simply fill them in as best as possible. You will be asked your full name and address be sure to put in your real name and real address along with your origin country. When asked if you have any businesses, or have done any work or spent time on foreign soil be sure to indicate No or the check box that indicates confirmation to say No unless you have. When you have put in all the information and reached the end of the form you will have to sign off on what you have said by typing your name and checking the boxes to confirm that the statements you gave earlier is true. Check for accuracy and agree and that’s it.

Amazon Associates Current Tax status: Incomplete Fix

I can understand the confusion when new regulations like this appear, I was really worried when I saw this notification and messed up the form the first time, but luckily you can review the choices you made and be sure to print out a copy of the IRS W-8 Form for your records as for Amazon Associates I hope that this article has shed some light on this confusing new change that might throw some people off especially if you never did a form like this in your life. American Associates need only do the same and fill out their local information and you will be on your way, please take the time to leave your experience below we would love to hear how you encountered this.

About Ricardo

I am a Technology enthusiast and a Blogger who loves nothing more than playing with new exciting Gadgets and technology. In my spare time I repair and maintain computers, which is just a few of my many hobbies. Please feel free to leave a comment below and subscribe to this blog. Thank you very much for your visit.

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7 thoughts on “Amazon Associates Current Tax status: Incomplete Help

  • sayeenqazi

    Wow they just deducted 30% off my income. Didnt realize I would be taxed so harshly. Well, I guess we have no other choice but to follow the Draconian US tax laws, especially if Amazon is our primary earning platform. Sigh

    • Ricardo Gardener Post author

      Yes that 30% is a steep cut if you are an international associate this can be a steep blow especially if you do not understand US tax laws,but there is a way around it if you are an international associates in Amazon associates just simply When you go through the interview, select these options:

      For U.S. tax purposes, are you a U.S. person?

      Type of beneficial owner

      Country Of Citizenship
      ? Your international location

      Are you an agent acting as an intermediary?
      Click No

      But If you tick yes for this, you have to fill out a tax form on a pdf, the W-8IMY, then send it via post.

      It’s only if you tick no that you have the option to enter your details electronically, then it takes you to a screen to send off a W-8BEN form (all details completed from previous inputs). Then you put your name and date, then save and continue. This is what I did and my tax status was complete and no need for any further info or sending in anything and I did not have to pay the 30% Tax.
      For Kindle Publishers I heard you guys have a similar situation in your case you would have to Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the US and complete Form W-7 which needs to be mailed in, if your situation is slightly different then you will need a different form. Call this number for assistance and completing the form with your information on hand they will guide you +1 267 941 1099 (international Number).

    • Ricardo Gardener Post author

      You will need to put the information in or you will not get paid until its completed.The earnings will simply accumulate and you can continue earning but you wont receive a payment until it shows completed.