Have you ever wondered what are the best free Android Apps that you can get your hands on that will simply make your Android device complete? Well we have taken the guess work out of the entire exercise and have compiled a list of the very best apps that you must have installed on your Android device, in fact if these apps are not installed you should probably consider dumping your tablet or smartphone. Yes they are that good.
The free android apps that we will be listed are from several categories and are not placed in any particular order so feel free to browse through and grab selective ones or the entire set, after all they are free to download once you have a Google account.
I will also take the time to indicate weather these free Android Apps are dependent on the internet or if they can run fully while being off line.We will also keep refreshing this list to insure that you are always up to date with the best free Android apps available.
The Best free Android Apps

Best free Android Apps for Tablets and Smartphones.
1. Realcalc:
When they said real calculator they were not joking on this one, the realcalc app actually places a real scientific calculator on your device that performs all the functions and cool features of a real scientific calculator.So do you have an android device? well save the extra cash you would spend on a name brand scientific calculator and grab this free app. I guarantee you that in a few years the standalone calculator will be extinct thanks to this app.
Requires: Functions fully without a active internet connection.
2. Zedge:
Is the best wallpaper and ringtone app ever, simply install the app and you will have custom wallpaper and ringtones at your finger tips. To learn more about Zedge you can checkout our recent article on this great app here.
Requires: Active data or internet connection to get new wallpaper and ringtones.
3. MX Player:
Talk about versatile, MX Player is a full featured media player that comes with a variety of codecs to decode your videos on your mobile device, so no more running into video formats that your phone will not be able to play, simply install and enjoy some of the best video playback you ever thought possible on a tablet or smart phone.
Requires: Does not require an active internet connection, however codecs and player will need updating ever so often with improvements.
if you own a Samsung Galaxy you probably know what Flipboard is and if you don’t you should click the download link and get this awesome app that presents for your reading pleasure great articles in a magazine like format that pages flip much like the pages of a magazine would as you turn the pages. Flipboard has many different category of news and articles, all well written and presented in a vibrant and colorful format.
You can tailor the magazine based on your interests. So you can subscribe to any number of its may categories of articles, so if you are into sports and technology the pages can be made only to show those articles or maybe you are into art and business, then don’t worry as flipboard is flexible enough to fill any shoes based on your reading interest.
Requires:Active data or internet connection,also buffers read articles for offline reading.
5.KJV Offline Bible:
As the name suggest the King James Offline Bible is a internet independent bible that stores the entire archives of the bible on your mobile device and does not require a internet connection. So those who attend Sunday service, your tablet or mobile phone can now replace your bible as the perfect all in one.
This KJV offline Bible is easy on the eyes and is a piece of cake to search through the various books and even easier to find the chapters. You will find your bible verses for Sunday service reading in the blink of an eye.
Requires: No internet connection needed.
6. KeepSafe:
Do you have pictures in your gallery that you would rather no one else who snoops around your phone see? then keep those for your eyes only pics safe and sound with keepsafe, a simple app that provides a secure safe within your tablet or phone to store your pictures, you can read more about this app and using it by clicking here.
Requires: No internet connection needed after initial install for functionality.
Is very cool, it works like this-have you ever wished you could prevent a person using your phone from entering specific apps or maybe you wanted them not snooping around in settings or playing that game that you are about to beat, then Applock secures your apps with a pattern lock or password that prevents unauthorized access. The app can even prevent other apps from being uninstalled without your password. Best of all what you choose to lock is up to you and you can basically lock any aspect of your phone down tight.
Requires: Does not require a internet connection to function.
8. Call Assistant:
Ever been in a hairy situation that you just had to get out of but you could not just walk away without a valid reason? well call Assistant can help with that, in helping you fake a well timed call or text, believe it!-to learn more about this app you can read the full article here.
Requires: Independent of internet.
9. MagicJack:
With MagicJack you can call the US and Canada totally free, yes you read that correctly this awesome app allows for totally free calls. Plus if you are an international citizen or you live outside the US this app is great to save you a bundle on very expensive international calls, trust me when i say that this is one of the best free Android apps ever made. You can learn more about this great app in our article here.
Requires: A active internet or data plan with your carrier to work.
10. Haywire:
To complete the full circle of being able to call for free, how about being able to text for free to any number as well? to do this you will need the Heywire app and a active internet connection.Learn more about this free texting app and making free calls here.
Requires: A active internet or data plan with your service provider to work.
What are your best free Android Apps?
I have compile the top free apps that I have come to know very well and love on Android that works on tablets as well as smart phones and it was a pleasure to share them with you guys, however it’s your turn to share, please share tour list of best free apps that you know on Android in the comments below ,it would be a great pleasure in hearing from you guys and discovering some more great free apps.